Last month I hit a major age milestone, yes the Big 5 0 !!! To celebrate, I decided to organise a big shoot and invited some good friends that I have worked closely with over the last six or seven years. For Make-up, I invited Afroditi, Maria and Serena, for Hair I invited Pinky from Salon Pink who also brought Ciara, also Bryant came to assist with lighting and live streaming of the shoot. Alex kindly allowed me to use whitespace studio for the day.
I asked some local designers if they had any outfits I could use and base a concept around. Amir Robinson (Gino Group) loaned 6 outfits from his recent fashion show, Desiree Riley (D'ezir) offered to model and also provided a couple of outfits from her collection and Chineza (Sevuhn) came to the shoot with another 5 outfits. In addition to Desiree, I asked Aliana and Teah to be the models.