Saturday 28 June 2014

2014 Swimsuit Series - #5

The Fifth in the series of Summer swimsuit shoots features models Sheri and Savanna.
Thanks to Maria Debraga for doing the make up and also to  Bryant and Troy for providing lighting assistance. 

                                                                        S H E R I
Make up by:  Maria Debraga
Lighting Assistant:  Bryant Richards

Bikini by Luli Fama (from Makin Waves)

Swimsuit by American Apparel

Bikini by Billa Bong (from Makin Waves)

Bikini (unknown source)

                                                                S A V A N N A

Make up by:  Maria Debraga
Lighting Assistant:  Troy Jennings

Swimsuit by Roxy (From Makin Waves)

Bikini by Fox (From Makin Waves)

 Bikini by "Definitions By Deane"

Sportswear by Roxy (From Makin Waves)

 Swimsuit by New Look

Swimsuit from Amazon

Tags:  firetog; blog; Mike Jones; Bermuda; photography; photographer; photo; shoot; model; editorial; fashion; couture; avant garde; fashion show; beauty; portraits; swimwear; swimsuit; bikini; glamour; boudoir; artistic; nude; photoshop; editing; retouching; studio; lighting; Canon; Paul Buff; Einstein; pocket wizard; beauty dish; vagabond;


  1. Mike,

    Both models are absolutley gorgeous!

    In photo #3 is a wonderful picture as the model is amplified whilst the background is faded perfectly, well done!
    In photos #6 and 7 wonderful poses, but the swimsuit raising up takes away from the pictures. Either top on or top off, hanging boob detracts from the essence of the shot in this instance
    In photo #10 you have captured a marvelous photo, PERFECTION FOR SURE!!!!


    She is an extremely pretty young lady! Her swimsuit selection was not the best for her body shape and many of her poses looked forced and not natrural. That said, you have captured an astonishing photo of Savanna on her back in the sand. By far, that pic was the best of her shoot.

    I love your work and I am encouraged as I look at your blog!!!!



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