Shaylee works out at Positive Results and thanks goes to them for allowing us to use their gym for the shoot. Thanks also to Maria for doing the Make up.
The lighting for this shoot was a bit tricky as there needed to be lots of rim lighting. So I asked Troy Jennings to assist, as he is an expert when it comes to this kind of lighting. Between us, we had enough Einsteins (5) to get the results we were looking for. There was a fill light from the front, two 3'x2' gridded soft boxes on the sides and two spot lights (7" reflectors) at the rear. And then some photoshop to add the feeling of light spill.
Photographer: Mike Jones
Model: Shaylee Trott
MUA: Maria DeBraga
Lighting Assistant: Troy Jennings
Location: Positive Results Gym
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Tags: firetog; blog; Mike Jones; Bermuda; photography; photographer; photo; shoot; model; editorial; fashion; couture; avant garde; fashion show; beauty; portraits; swimwear; swimsuit; bikini; glamour; boudoir; artistic; nude; art nude; photoshop; editing; retouching; studio; lighting; Canon; Paul Buff; Einstein; pocket wizard; beauty dish; PLM; Ringflash; ABR800
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