Friday 25 May 2012

Part 1: "Morocco" By Christopher Vee

This beauty shoot with Christopher Vee was based around a necklace that he purchased in Morocco whilst on vacation there earlier in the year.

The model is Shaela Godfrey who I saw in a fashion show the weekend before the shoot and thanks to facebook managed to track her down,  Turns out Shaela is a MUA as well and works at MAC.

Thanks to Alex Masters for letting us shoot at whitespace* studio.

Technical info

Canon 1D mkiv
F11, ISO 100, 1/250 sec

Mola 33.5" Beauty Dish
1x6 soft box as rim light

Tags:  firetog; blog; Mike Jones; Bermuda; photography; photographer; photo; shoot; model; editorial; fashion; show; beauty;

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